Pre Construction Termite Management Service
Pre Construction Termite Management Service

Pre Construction Termite Management Service

Accurate Services Pest Control Services
Pre Construction Termite Management Service

Pre Treatment during Construction is the best way to guarantee less problems with termites. It must be applied at certain phases when the building is being built.
The process is repeated as per the requirement, which our expert team decides based on the soil and surroundings. On the completion of the chemical termite barrier, the chemical emulsion is filled and sealed thereafter. The effect of the teremicide remains for a longer period of time and thereby is highly appreciated by the end users.

Horizontal Barrier Treatment to top surface
Horizontal Barrier Treatment to top surface

Top Surface of soil filling in Plinth

Vertical Barrier Treatment to Junction
Vertical Barrier Treatment to Junction

Junction of wall & floor treatment up to 30 cms below plinth filling level
Before the basement bottom is treated make sure that surface isdry. In the event standing water is present in the pit, discuss with the customer and decide the level of surface for treatment which would be sufficiently dry.

External Perimeter to Treatment
External Perimeter to Treatment

This treatment stage to be done after overall construction is complete and out side soil adiacent to the building is properly dressed and leveled.

Exterior Perimeter Treatment :
(1) Applying Termicitides to soil around the exterior foundation creates a chemical barrier against the termites and is accomplished by trenching & rodding.
(2) If any gap is formed without termicitide, foraging termites from nest enter the building through such untreated areas.

Horizontal Vertical Barrier Treatment to Junction